
Revelation Jesus Almighty God

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(A) Let the Bible be its interpreter. (B). Understand prophecy as history written beforehand. (C). Do not think prophecy must be fulfilled before it can be understood. (D). The Bible is like a puzzle God left for mankind, and no one could ever get the right understanding unless the Holy Spirit revealed it to him, it will be precept upon precept, line upon line, here a little, there a little. Let us obey the Holy Spirit because He is the only Blessed one who can guide us to the truth, and the truth will make us free. Revelation 1: 1-8 we see Jesus sending His angel to reveal to John what will take place shortly. John wrote to the seven Churches which are in Asia. The seven Spirits which are before the throne are the fullness of the power of the Holy Spirit. We also see that Jesus is the first from the dead who was resurrected with a glorious Spirit Body and left His blood on the earth to wash us from our sins, and redeem us to God, and make us kings and priests to give glory to the Father. And all the descendants of those who pierced Jesus will get to see Him when He returns.

I would like you to have a full understanding of verse 8 because it is the foundation of the Godhead, and the greatest mystery of God’s, 1 Tim 3: 16 the Word of God which was the same as God became a man. I usually explain it this way by comparing three phases of electricity with the Godhead. 110 voltage, 220 voltage, and 440 voltage. Let us compare man at the level of voltage 110. In Exodus 33: 11 we see God lower Himself and speak to Moses face to face as a man speaks to another, we could say God lowered Himself at level 220 to speak to Moses, but when Moses asked God to see His face in all His glory at the level 440, in Ex 33: 20-23 God told Moses no one can see my face in all My glory and live, but because of my grace for you I will put you in a cleft of the rock and cover you with my hand, and after my face pass in all my glory I will take away my hand, and you will see my back parts: but my face shall not be seen in all my glory.

 John 1: 1 Now we see the Word of God which was in the same form as God equal with God in all His glory at the level 440 voltage. According to Philippians 2: 5-7 He lowered Himself to become a man at the level of 110, this is why 1 John 1: 1-3 makes the statement we have heard and seen with our eyes and handle the Word of life that was with the Father. In Mt 28: 16-18 after the resurrection, Jesus told His disciples that all power was given back to Him, and in John 20: 28-29 Thomas confessed Jesus as Lord and God, Jesus did not rebuke him, but told him every one that believes that I am Lord and God will be blessed. According to Isaiah 9: 6 as the son of God he was called the mighty God. According to Revelation 1: 8 as the resurrected Savior with all of the power of God dwelling in Him, He’s the Almighty God. In John 5: 21-23. The Bible clearly says if anyone does not honor or (worship) Jesus he does not honor the Father. Jesus and the Father are one John 10: 30. Jesus is the way of the truth and eternal life. And the only God we will see bodily because all the fullness of the Godhead dwells in Him Colossians 1: 19. John 14: 7-11. When Philip asked Jesus to show him the Father, Jesus was very surprised that they did not recognize that He was the Father. Isaiah 7: 14, Isa 9: 6. And the only Father we will ever see with our eyes because the Holy Spirit and God are Spirit’s Being that we can’t see. It is very sad that some people still don’t recognize who Jesus Christ is. May the Holy Spirit bless you with this knowledge in Jesus Almighty name Amen.



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