

Jesus rebukes most of the seven churches for being weak links, and unfaithful to the gospel. One of the purposes of Revelation is to strengthen the believers in the body of Christ who are weak.

It is appropriate in addressing the Sardis church, that Christ represents himself as” He who has the seven spirits of God and the seven stars…I know… Superficially, the church of Sardis seemed alive and active and had a reputation for being so. However, it was dead according to the Lord. This is disturbing. What people say is” a great church” may not be so at all.

We need to look for the fruit of the Holy Spirit and the characteristics by which Jesus identifies a congregation as belonging to him. A congregation that appeals to us, a ”feel good” church, may not be a true and living congregation at all.

Things that remain Digression and apostasy never happen all of a sudden. It is a slow process, and for a long time, there will still be a presence of good things. However, that remaining presence will not be valued, and will become weaker and weaker. Jesus told the Pharisees and the scribes they were whitewashed tombs, they looked beautiful on the outside but inside was full of deadly bones.

John 15: 1-9 Jesus commended the believers to abide in Him or else the Father will cut them off. How do we abide in Jesus? He said He’s the Word of God, every time you read your Bible you are abiding in Jesus, and when you obey what the Holy Spirit is teaching you, then and only then you glorify the Father.

A very simple illustration, go get a fan, turn it on nothing will happen, why? Because there is no electricity going through it, now plug it into the electricity and see what happens. It comes alive and does the work it was created to do, now on plugging it into the electricity you will see the power has gone out from it, and eventually it will die completely.

We are just like that fan if we are not plugin to our life force which is Jesus Christ our Lord. Surely we also will die.

Remember the Holy Spirit put you in the vine for a purpose and that purpose is for you to bear fruit, if you don’t serve your purpose as a branch, sorry to say with a lot of regret one day the Father will cut you off. Jesus is telling us today just like He told them in the church of Sardis, that He will come as a thief, what does that mean?

He will chastise those that He loves, but if you refuse to repent and turn away from that evil deed you are living, you give Jesus no option but to blot your name out of the Book of Life.

And don’t think you could sneak into the wedding of the Lord without a wedding garment, read Mt 22: 1-14. The proper garment is sanctified by the blood of Jesus Christ that cleans you from all your sins, which will only happen when true repentance is made.

Then the Holy Spirit will make you holy for without holiness no one will see God Hebrews 12: 14. He that has an ear listens to what the Holy Spirit is saying now. Repent and glorify the Father, or you will be cut off as a branch and thrown into the fire at the last judgment. Jesus says without Him we are nothing. To Jesus and all the overcomes be glory now and forever, in the Almighty name of Jesus the Christ our Lord Amen.





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